the fact that you can go to an apple store and airdrop final cut pro off the demo macbooks, run it on your own mac and have it fully activated is fucking hilarious
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@mudkip you can do what monthly apple store visit do you think they'd find out. probably not if you go to different apple stores right
@gavi apple's pro apps on mac (logic pro, final cut, etc) have no DRM or activation or anything, they literally just work if you copy the app to a different mac and run it, and you can do that off an in-store display mac stop exposing my methods please
@mudkip apple just doesn't seem to belueve in DRM on macs (someone also figured out the easiest way to de-DRM apple ebooks is to simply inject code into the books app that exports the files)
@agowa338 @vurpo @mudkip Or just use Libation if you're lazy like me. :)
@janw I wasn't discussing audiobooks but ok
@mudkip To be honest, I find it surprising that you can even airdrop anything from the store demos at all!
So much for the "genius" bar. Sheldon was right.
@mudkip what's wild is that this sort of thing has been a thing with Mac software for decades.
Folks used to copy applications off the demo G4 Powerbooks all the time when I worked at CompUSA, using first-gen iPods as a firewire drive.
Free MS Office!